Great and Full or How to Literally Have a Happy New Year
Best paired with “Happy” by Pharrell
I know when I feel great, I don’t always know when I am full, especially when devouring anything chocolate. However, I try (and often fail) to practice being consciously great and full ‘grateful’ each and every day. It is often easier to default to mulling over unpleasant aspects and experiences in our lives, especially as our brain is wired to pay attention to what may cause us harm. However, when we consciously look for a positive and uplifting moment in our day, it reroutes our attention to an instant that may have otherwise been ignored completely.
Robert Emmons, a leading scientific expert on gratitude explains that thankfulness is the affirmation of goodness as well as an acknowledgement of something outside of ourselves.
We know that gratitude has a multitude of positive effects: that it improves physical and mental wellbeing, stress relief as well as fueling feelings of self-esteem and compassion for others. Having an attitude of gratitude is grounding, it anchors you in reflecting on a moment that brings joy and personal satisfaction.
It is about a stronger positive connection with our environment, and an openness to acknowledging moments that we often miss. We are so busy being eternally connected that reveling in what makes us feel great and full is often overlooked. As the year gets underway, now is the time to make your New Year a happy one.
Here is how:
Jot it down Invest in a notebook and make it a daily habit to write down three things that made you feel “great” and give you a “full” heart. Research conducted at Indiana University (2015) found lasting positive effects on individuals who practiced daily written expressions of gratitude.
Share the love Pay it forward, let others know how much you appreciate them at work and play
Stop and sense When you a moment appears, hit pause and really feel what manifests for you.
May your year be filled with conscious happiness and “great fullness”
“Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth” Happy
Hugs and joy