Insights for Working Women Working It Out
From Stuck to Steady Progress: Leveraging the Cycle of Renewal
Frederic Hudson’s Cycle of Renewal offers fascinating insights into the natural rhythm of our professional lives. If you’re feeling more ‘ebb’ than ‘flow’ this Februdreary, explore how the framework can help you self-reflect and gain clarity on how to move with intention from stuck to started.
How to Navigate a Career Crossroads by Exploring Your Ecosystem
To thrive in your career, you need an environment that is conducive to growth, learning, and fulfillment. Let’s take a look at how auditing your current ‘ecosystem’ can help you navigate decisions at a career crossroads.
Fire Up Your Future Self
Your future self, also called Ideal Self, is your motivational driver: what will give you the thrust to move toward your personal and/or professional ambition.
Ready, (Mind)Set, Go
It goes without saying that we are all more than ready for the fresh start 2021 is offering — but are you in the right mindset to make the most of the year ahead?
Rolling In The Weep — Or 3 Ways To Coach Yourself Through 2020
Chloe reached for a tissue and let out a long sigh. She had finally stopped weeping and looked at us expectantly for answers. We, the group coaching participants, eagerly obliged. Intense emotions like anxiety have a powerful effect on how we think, feel, and behave. A sounding board can be vital to talk through such emotions, but sometimes that’s not an option — here are three techniques you can try on your own to coach yourself through a tough spot:
How To Get Better Career Advice
In the words of Adam Grant, psychologist and author, “If you want to get better career advice, you can start by reflecting on what you would tell someone else with a similar question. Listen to the advice you give to others. It’s usually the advice you need to take yourself. And it might be the best way to motivate yourself, too.” (New York Times, April 2020)