5 Ways to Accelerate your Career Ladder Climb whilst Remote


It can be lonely getting off a Zoom call and figuring out how to actually stay above the fray: connected, engaged, and relevant. Many of us are working through the juggle struggle (a term recently shared with me by a coaching client). The juggle keeps you intensely focused on the balls but not necessarily on the bigger picture. While juggling, it’s difficult to actually keep your eye on your environment as well — yet it’s important to do so if you want to continue or accelerate your career climb.

Are you stuck in the juggle struggle? Try these options:

Sharpen Your Toolkit

We are deeply curious by nature, exhibiting a trait called neoteny (retention of juvenile characteristics), where playfulness and curiosity spring eternal. Now more than ever, with working from home and hopefully having fewer people breathing down your neck, you have an opportunity to explore new topics if you are exploring different roles. There are countless options to explore; not sure where to begin? Take a look through Coursera for ideas.

Be a Lady Who L(a)unches

Whether you work on exciting research or just completed a group project that could benefit the greater organization, offer to host a lunch and learn. If you’re an entrepreneur, consider hosting an event on Eventbrite to share what you know. Put yourself out there to have your contribution recognized — you never know who might show up to your l(a)unch. 

Seek and Ye Shall Receive

Seek informal feedback from peers, managers, and friends. This offers the opportunity to gain clarity on your blindspots. A question can be as simple as: “What should I start doing more of?.” See where it takes you.

Climb Often

Chess players (The Queen’s Gambit, anyone?), athletes, etc. are perfect examples of individuals who refine, analyze, and repeat their moves countless times in what is known as "deliberate" practice. These superstars have successfully moved from talent to achievement. A similar approach can be used for a skill or talent you wish to perfect; the climbing will get easier the more often you practice.

Be a Yogi

Invest in giving yourself 15 minutes a day to disconnect and rest your mind. Desk Yogi offers free 15 minutes from Monday to Friday. Your mind will thank you.

There is no better way to get a good view than by climbing each rung in a slow and steady manner. As a reminder, practicing Kaizen — the art of incremental changes — supports a steady climb to the top.

Hugs and joy


Ready, (Mind)Set, Go


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