How Women Learn - the mini series


My life in Switzerland was perfect and precise, just like a Swiss clock.   I had a slew of friends, owned a home and a car and all the chocolate I could dream of - and yet, there was a longing I could not shake:  a longing for bigger, brighter and more bustling streets and colourful experiences.  

Why would I want to turn this perfect life upside down and make everything harder for myself?  I knew these would be the questions my mum would ask.  How do mothers know what  questions to raise?  My mum does, and she did.   She asked many, but she asked them in a way that made me feel bigger, and braver, and more capable than before.  That’s her gift.  She always encouraged me to follow my big and colourful dreams.  

When I reflect on where I am, and the work I do in empowering women to have the life, career and experiences they long for – I  see that my mother’s love, power and drive is woven through all of my work. 

 Whether it be my one on one coaching clients, or the group facilitation for women in the c suite or the countless women who have worked their way through my Boost camps, her vision  was setting me up to do the same for women all over the world.

That vision has led me to start a mini blog series “How Women Learn”.  

Why do you care how women learn?  So many reasons.  SO you can inspire the women working on your team, so you can gain clarity on who you are, so you can be a better leader, friend, partner, parent, daughter, niece etc.  so you can thrive and ultimately have the life you want and know deep down you deserve. 

Topic 1. Women learn through networking. 

Women learn how to make meaning of truth, knowledge and authority by being in relation with others. Research undertaken by Belenky, Clinchy, Goldberger, and Tarule (1986), authors of the groundbreaking book “Women’s Ways Of Knowing” found that environments that provide the most supportive and encouraging learning experience for women were those that promoted connected teaching in relationship with others. This is why you see so many women’s networks across the globe. 

Networking is one of the most effective ways in which women learn. Seeing as women excel in several measures of verbal ability, all things considered, networking should be easier for women. Ofcourse it's not that simple, but knowing that piece of brain science may give you a slight confidence boost.

Three easy ways to network:

Find your posse. What are your interests? Know what type of networking you want to focus on, are you looking for a social network, a professional network, a support circle, each has its own importance and impact. Choose wisely. You will learn from others. Consider joining an entirely different network to expand your knowledge and gain new perspectives. 

Reciprocate. Networking is about sharing knowledge, resources and information. There’s one metric that quotes that 90% of jobs are secured through some form of formal or informal networking. Whilst you might want to approach a networking opportunity with an ask, also consider what you can offer? Some research, a new contact?

Stay relevant. Are you engaging with others online, joining volunteer groups, steering committees. Sharing recent experiences relevant to your field of work. All options to consider. 

Women learn through networking with others. 

In fact, research by Burke (2000) Women on Corporate Boards of Directors: International Challenges and Opportunities  found that women’s exclusion from networks limited their ability to advance in organisations, e.g. obtaining seats boards.

So, learn how to work your net! 

My mum understood why I wanted to upend my life and move to New York – and has embraced my life here the same way she had embraced and empowered all my prior steps in life.

Hugs and joy


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