Insights for Working Women Working It Out
Career Women Who Upskill Go Uphill
In my coaching practice and research, I’ve seen time and time again that women who are able to harness more career fulfillment have something in common: they invest in upskilling. Here are several tips and resources to help you expand your skill set and consider ways to elevate yourself.
Advice from 5 Working Women Who Made a Career Leap
As we enjoy the slumber of summer days, great ideas often come in waves. Now is an opportune time to reflect on what you want and how you can make moves through the end of the year. Here are five insights to consider from women who made successful career changes.
5 Bite-Size Leadership Lessons from Billie Jean King
It was an absolute honour to hear Billie Jean King speak at the Teneo Global Summit this month, during which she shared her immense knowledge, experience, and straight-up talk. Here are five of my favourite takeaways on leadership, inclusion, and life.
Authentic Leadership: 7 Ways to Be a Mindful Leader
No matter how you get to the top of your ladder, the highest rung is only as steady as the prior rungs you have set up for yourself. From my perspective as a new leader, here are seven realizations and remedies for leading with more self-awareness, mindfulness, and authenticity.
On Starting a New Job: How to Navigate with Competence and Confidence
If you’re starting something new or experiencing any kind of learning curve in life right now — I see you, and I’m right there with you. Here are some ways I’ve been approaching my own (in)competence this month while working on a big project outside of my comfort zone. I hope they might inspire you too.
How to Leverage Women During Women’s History Month
What are women asking for? Flexibility. Recognition. Variety. Opportunities. These asks aren’t out of reach. So how can we better leverage women to find true fulfillment and success in the modern workforce?
Show Some Career Love: How to Have Intentional Career Conversations with Your Team
Career conversations are great opportunities to talk with each employee about their aspirations, strengths, and gaps to ensure they are equipped for success. So…why are so many leaders shying away from having these conversations on a regular basis? Let’s explore seven ways to lead with curiosity and intentionality.
5 Takeaways from Working with Women in 2022
2022 marked a return to more in-person gatherings and events — which was bliss for many and bothersome for others, but certainly helped forge deeper connections and new discoveries. Having partaken in several inspiring conversations as a panelist, trainer, coach, and attendee, here are five lessons that I’m carrying into 2023.
The Benefits of Group Coaching: How to Build Community & Connections for Women
During tough career conversations in a group setting, there is often a collective sigh of relief and gratitude: as women, we can work together to break down shared concerns and fears in support of everyone’s growth and transformation. If you are looking to hold space for more ‘blistered’ conversations, here are five things to bear in mind.
The Four ‘P’s of Working Things Out at Work
Back in 2020, fellow coach Allison Attenello and I designed a workshop called “Working Women Working It Out” — specific to the challenges women were facing in 2020, with the goal of uncovering ways to support them in getting through this period. The following four Ps emerged through our group’s discussion, which still very much hold true today.
Why Two Mentors Are Better Than One
Women learn through mentoring.
My coaching client squealed in delight as she recounted how her interview had gone better than she could have imagined, that she had been offered the new role before she even reached home. She did an obligatory hip wiggle and a solo high five to no one in particular. When I pressed her for what had made the difference in her approach this time, she had said that she benefitted from having two very different mindsets as a sounding board. Richard and Leila, her two inhouse mentors were truly instrumental in getting her moving on up.
How Women Learn - the mini series
A number of researchers such as Josselson* have underscored that women’s development is linked to their sense of self in relation to others, rather than as individuals operating independently. This was all the more evident during this coaching conversation. We were experiencing informal learning.