5 Takeaways from Working with Women in 2022
Advance Your Corporate Career: The 4Rs | Panel + Happy Hour at Luminary
Another tumultuous year has come and gone; I remain incredulous at our resilience to push through, as has been the case since the beginning of time.
2022 marked a return to more in-person gatherings and events — which was bliss for many and bothersome for others, but certainly helped forge deeper connections and new discoveries.
I had the privilege of taking part in many inspiring conversations around women’s career development, leadership, and the modern workforce — from all angles, as a panelist, trainer, coach, and attendee. Here are my five big takeaways:
Women are particularly hard on themselves because of the many hats we wear (and lest we forget that we typically have a double shift). Yet despite zooming around as Superwomen every day, Imposter Syndrome continues to be ever-present. How about giving your imposter some grace in the new year, and learning to manage it rather than resent it?
Learning to operate with more grace also applies to leadership and organizational levels, as we all continue to navigate an evolving work landscape. One of the most important aspects that came up in my facilitations this year was learning how to approach DEIB initiatives through a lens of grace. (Hint: no finger pointing and no I told you so!)
This was the year that made one fact clear: whether virtual or in person, we need the company of others to grow, learn, and thrive. As an entrepreneur, I found immense opportunity in partnering with other businesswomen and organizations in the work that I do, for my own personal growth and stretching out of my comfort zone. There is absolutely nothing more powerful than an intentional gathering where honest conversations can take place and lasting connections can be made. We have all been through a great deal of professional and personal turmoil these past few years: we need space to normalize our experiences, share lessons learned, and support each other in moving forward.
Interested in discovering a dedicated community for personal + professional development in 2023? Join my winter Career Boost.
Despite having more access than ever to resources, my work has demonstrated that women continue to find career growth difficult. One way to uncover and explore new opportunities for growth? Active reflection. This might feel like a luxury, but reflective exercises do help move the needle on where you are now vs. where you want to go. If you have some downtime over the holidays, pencil in time to just explore: listen to podcasts, attend a virtual event, take a free assessment, write down your goals, journal, etc. We need growth to spur our long-term happiness.
Rest assured, we do have grit; that is why we are still doing the work, even in the midst of global crises. The upside of working through tough times is that we’ve identified transformational ways of doing things, and continuously powered through using new tools and methods. Along the way, we’ve discovered different ways to work and connect — and through it all, women continue to rise. Check out one of my favourite inspirational reads from this year: Career Advice from 11 Women CEOs.
Guffaws Galore
As shown in countless studies, humour is the way at the end of the day. Ensuring that we are operating from a place of joy is essential for motivation and growth. And women who gather to laugh (and cry) together are unstoppable.
I hope the new year brings you more gatherings, growth, grace, grit, and guffaws. Do connect with me if you would like support in any of these areas.
Wishing you a happy holiday season,
Dr. Helen